About Us

Who we are: We are a modern news source with a small team of scrappy, experienced journalists.

Our mission: To inform and connect our audience to all things Oklahoma.

What we do: We write and aggregate top news and curent events from across Oklahoma and deliver it in a smart newsletter to inboxes each weekday by 6 a.m. Original reporting also appears on our website.

Why we exist: Like our readers, our lives are busy. We want to wake up, scroll a few times, and feel connected to what's going on in Oklahoma. We grew tired of waiting for others to figure it out.

Our business model: We are privately owned and rely on advertisers, paid subscribers, and reader generosity to keep us in business. We appreciate your support.

Our promise: We will do our darnedest to earn and keep your trust.  

Our ask: Sign up. Read us. Tell others.

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