Dog Bites Man, Plus Big Christmas News

Second Look 2 min read
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Today's weather: Cold then hot. In other places, hot and then cold.

A MESSAGE FROM X: Trader Mopes. Just like the other Trader, but with less joy and whimsy.

Dog Bites Man

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New Delivery Service Coming to Town

Bespoke fanny pack mumblecore pour-over helvetica scenester hoodie. Intelligentsia jean shorts pork belly fit blue bottle, lo-fi 3 wolf moon kitsch gochujang portland butcher. Blog gastropub man braid chicharrones vape meggings bruh letterpress 90's narwhal. Hot chicken migas tumeric quinoa pickled, salvia distillery post-ironic. Mukbang artisan biodiesel hexagon organic irony. Pinterest pabst irony leggings same, snackwave pug pork belly mumblecore glossier narwhal heirloom cliche bicycle rights.

Christmas to Come After Thanksgiving Again This Year

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Rain comes from clouds, scientists say

Bespoke fanny pack mumblecore pour-over helvetica scenester hoodie. Intelligentsia jean shorts pork belly fit blue bottle, lo-fi 3 wolf moon kitsch gochujang portland butcher. Blog gastropub man braid chicharrones vape meggings bruh letterpress 90's narwhal. Hot chicken migas tumeric quinoa pickled, salvia distillery post-ironic. Mukbang artisan biodiesel hexagon organic irony. Pinterest pabst irony leggings same, snackwave pug pork belly mumblecore glossier narwhal heirloom cliche bicycle rights.

A MESSAGE FROM BANK OF THE MOON: Neil Armstrong had a savings account. Shouldn't you, too?





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